Eero Smart Home Wireless WiFi System Review
The Eero Wireless system is a great new product to fit the needs for the growing demand for an expanded wireless system at home. The Eero system as show above allows a WiFi system to be expanded wirelessly without the need for wiring infrastructure and network cabling all over your house. The Eero system is a perfect retrofit application for a small, medium or larger home that one wireless access point is too small to cover all the needed areas of the home and the existing older equipment is not easily configured via a phone or tablet like the Eero system is. The Eero system can be used with only one Eero device all the way to as many Eero's necessary to bridge the wireless gap you may have.
The system works by installing and hard wiring one of the Eero units to your internet service providers modem and setting up via the smart phone or tablet application as your main controller and router within the system. The setup of the first unit through the app is where you will be guided through the various steps to create a name and password for your wireless system and any other specialty networking needs you may have. Once the first device has been deployed and setup the other Eero devices are easily added through the app after they have been powered up and only needing connection to a power receptacle. The Eero system then wirelessly configures itself to optimize the WiFi connections to each Eero device creating the large bubble of wireless internet desired. Once the pairing of your Eero devices is complete you can now surf the web and via the smart application you can easily view your network statistics such as network speed and connected devices status.
The Eero WiFi system can be purchased through Amazon in the following packs.
3 Pack
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